报告题目: Hlder continuous weak solution of Boussinesq equation with diffusive temperature
报 告 人:陶涛 山东大学
报告时间:2019年5月19日 10:00-11:00
We show the existence of Hölder continuous periodic weak solutions for the 2d Boussinesq
equation with diffusive temperature which satisfy the prescribed kinetic energy. More precisely,
for any smooth e(t): [0,1] → and ε∈(0,), there exist
v∈([0,1] ×), θ∈([0,1] ×)
which solve the Boussinesq equation in the sense of distribution and satisfy e(t) =dx, ∀t∈[0,1].
This is a joint work with Liqun Zhang and Tianwen Luo.